Believe it or not, being an entrepreneur is a lot different than what you see on social media. It’s not all 20-somethings who’ve made fast cash with selling products online. On top of that there is a lot of information going around the internet about how you can be super successful and make a quick buck with minimal work, which is just not true. There are a lot of spinning wheels that go into owning a business, from planning to managing to negotiating and everything in between.
Focal Point is hosting an Entrepreneurial Growth Course that will teach you different proven strategies, formulas, tactics as well as tips to help grow your business! In this course you will recieve 8 fast paced implementable sessions that are important for your business success all in different ways. The following is a list of the 8 implementable sessions along with the importance of the information given in these sessions in a business context.
Behavioral Styles & Communication:
Even outside of a business environment, communication skills are key to essentially helping you get what you want. When it comes to a business environment, it couldn’t be more useful. Learning the different behavioral styles and how to communicate effectively and efficiently with not only your employees but your customers, clients and anyone else you have a business relationship with will dramatically increase your business success. Getting your message across effectively will help your business run smoothly all around and can easily be transferred into the marketing of your business.
Business Metrics That Increase Profits:
The business metrics that you will learn in this session consist of 3 formulas of compounding profitability. These formulas will help you develop income producing activities as well as learn different key performance indicators (KPIs). In essence, this session will help guide you through ways of increasing the profits of your business without necessarily increasing your price margin, or chopping your employees wage.
Beat the Competition:
This session is pretty straightforward with the name it’s given. There is a fight everyday between you and your competition for the consumer. Some days you may win, other days they might. With this session you will learn to get inside your competitions head and understand why customers go to them instead of you. When you understand that, you will also learn how to flip the script and take those customers to you side.
Build A Successful Strategic Plan:
When you know exactly where you want to go and the fastest route to get there, it’s a lot easier than just wandering around, hoping you’ll stumble into the perfect destination spot. This session is one of the top to attend, as we’ll be taking a step back and returning to the fundamentals of how to plan out the actions you take with and within your business. After learning how to create an effective strategic plan you may need to start from a clean slate depending on what kind of plan you had before. But, being able to put together an effective and efficient strategic plan for your company will help with the growth of your business dramatically.
Goal Execution & Performance Mindset:
With this session you will gain an in depth understanding of the different business cycles and how to set goals corresponding to those cycles. This session, similar to the previous one, will help set your business up for a successful future rather than the quick buck. In here, you will also learn different business traps to avoid that can be applied instantly to your company to save you money, customers, time and everything in between.
Time Management:
Did you know that Elon Musk is so good with his time management that he can work 100 hours a week and still manage to take time out for his hobbies, family, and fitness. It’s hardly possible to match that kind of time management, however in this session you will learn how to better use your time with your business and be able to improve the quality and quantity of your output. The methods you will learn here can just as easily be applied to your life outside of your business.
To tie better into managing time, knowing how and what to delegate to who is key for you to be able to keep exploring more ways to grow your business while other tasks are still being completed. This session will teach you the top 10 characteristics to look for when building a team to help you. Along with this you will also learn how to be a great leader to your team and how to properly delegate tasks for maximum results.
Sales, & Marketing:
When it comes to marketing there is always something to keep improving on, whether that’s keeping up with the trends that are coming and going, or pivoting your marketing plan. When you come to this session you will learn the 7 P’s of marketing which is foundational when it comes to learning how to market your product or service better. You will also learn about branding yourself properly, which will help with appealing to more of your target customer and in turn, increase sales.
This seminar is held Nov 1st- Dec 20th 2019. Make sure you register now, before availability sells out and so business coach Mark Steinke can help you skyrocket your business!