Business Coaching is a fast-growing industry. In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania there are over 1.2m small businesses with revenues up to $25M.
These Business Owners are facing unique challenges that they typically have not had training or experience in. You see according to Michael E. Gerber, the world’s #1 small business guru, Book “The E-Myth Revisited” there is a fatal assumption with small business Owners.
That assumption is: “If you understand the technical work of the business, you understand a business that does the technical work.” You see, the Lawyer, Doctor, Electrician, Plumber, Marketer, etc. all started their business with the idea of since they know how to DO the work, they can open and run a business that does that work!
What these business Owners soon find out is that the skills needed to RUN a business are completely different than the skills to DO the work of the business. Business owners in this trap soon experience issues with their business that involve, Revenue, Time, Money and Team that drive the owner crazy.
Business Coaching using proven Business principles, like the ones developed by Focal Point International, can be taught to the Business Owner to implement so the owner learns how to RUN their Business and it stops RUNNING them.
Like all Franchise business opportunities, which 70% of all businesses are (including all professional sporting teams), the Franchisor needs Area Representatives to help recruit, develop and support Franchisees in their respective Territory.
Such a business ownership option exists in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Focal Point Business Coaching of Pennsylvania has been in business for 8 years providing both Area Representative services and Business Coaching services.
I am presently existing out of the Area Representative business for the Commonwealth and have it up for sale. If you are interested in learning more about this passive income business opportunity and want a NON-Sales conversation reach out to:
Mark R. Steinke
Focal Point Business Coaching of Pennsylvania
[email protected] or 1.610.768.7774
Business Coaching Area Representative Opportunity in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania – BizBuySell