How many times are Business Owners bombarded with messages from Internet providers, Phone Service Providers, Sales trainers, Marketing Providers, Legal Firms, CPA Firms, etc. that if you use their service your business will “increase or improve”, etc.?
All I can say to Business Owners when they hear these messages is “Caveat Emptor”. You see, all business no matter what size, shape, revenue, location, etc. must have all five components (Marketing, Sales, Operations, Administration and Customer Support) operating as one. When one of these companies say to you: “your business will grow or increase if you use my service” I cringe.
You see Business is Business. For a business to operate profitably and grow without breaking, all five areas need to be in synch and working to the Business vision, mission and goals. Questions to consider when bombarded with these single approach messages are:
- Can my Operations / delivery handle an increase in sales by 20%, 40%, etc?
- Will the increase in sales, schedule delivery out weeks?
- How will my customers respond to that?
- Can I effectively handle scheduling my team to deliver work timely?
- Will I have to purchase materials weeks before I deliver service and then get paid?
- Can my sales process, team handle the additional leads without squandering them?
There are so many more questions and areas to think about before embarking on just increasing Marketing leads, Sales, etc.? I am here to tell you it is possible to do both, increase sales and profits, as well as business Operations. Imagine your Business growing at a rate of 20% or great every quarter or year and it DOES NOT BREAK the rest of your Business!
That should be the goal of all Business Owners. So be careful not to jump on the “get rich quick” thinking that only one of the Business components companies are selling you. They are trying to increase their sales without your best interest in mind.
So as a Business Owner of a Small Business not matter what your level of revenue is, your profitability is and your operational effectiveness is, you should work with someone who will ensure your Business is operating as a Business and you move the needle in Marketing, Sales, Operations, Administration and Customer support at the same time at different speeds but keeping them all aligned and in synch.
This is Business. Those of you with Business Degrees have the training but may need focus, direction and a little advice. Those who have NO Training in how to run a business CAN be taught it by someone who business it is do to that while you get the results in your business (The Whole Business).
For more information contact: Focal Point Business Coaching of Pennsylvania, 1-610-768-7774 or [email protected]