Business Decision Principle from Calvin & Hobbs – really?

Was Bill Watterson a Personal development Coach?  Most likely not, however in my favorite comic strip – Calvin & Hobbs, he addresses a very powerful, valid principle of Decision making and in Business Planning your decisions vs. reacting in making decisions.

How do Business Owners and Leaders make decisions every day, almost every few minutes in business so that their decisions do not severely impact future results in their business?

Should Business Owners and Leaders have a guide or plan to operate from?  Will this 90 day or 180 day plan help them with the decisions they face in the heat of moment they need to make a decision?

Having a G.O.S.P.A (Goal, Objective, Strategy, Plan / Actions) plan / guidance ensures when decisions are needed a Business Owner / Executive has something to draw on or from to ensure their decision flows within their desired results.

I hope you enjoy this Calvin & Hobbs comic and message.  Have a great successful, profitable day in your business.


For more information contact a Focal Point Business Coaching of Pennsylvania coach today at: 1.610.768.7774