“Your fired!” “This just isn’t working out!” “We are downsizing/restructuring!” These words bring chills to the spines of all employed people. What do I do now? If you are like most people you go through the various stages of grief. At some point though you must get back on the treadmill and find a job. For most of us out there that means get out the resume and update it. THIS IS THE BIGGEST MISTAKE YOU CAN MAKE.
Your resume is a chronological history of where you have worked and what you have done. I know you are proud of it. Employers are not. Today there are so many filters, rules, regulations, processes, and boxes that need checked that it is wonder employers find people at all. But ask most employers and they will tell you that finding good people is hard, almost impossible. So, you are good. Why can’t they find you? The answer lies in WHY? Your resume is mixed in with 75-150 other resumes. When you interview you are part of a group of 20-25 people that are being looked at. You resume is a listing of your features and advantages. People including employers do not buy features and advantages. They buy BENEFITS! As Simon Sinek has taught us they buy the WHY!
So many of us focus on the tactical part of the job search. Outplacement firms concentrate on the “things you need to be doing” 1) Write your resume, 2) Send it to 25 companies a week. 3) Search the online ads etc. To be effective, to truly separate yourself from the pack, you need to step back and determine your WHY.
Understanding communication and how to effectively communicate with all styles. Developing goals and action plans to achieve those goals, and lastly creating a Personal Strategic Plan for your career and your future will help you to develop that WHY. You need to have clarity about what the perfect job is. Many make the mistake of going from one bad job to another. To prevent that you need clarity about what you are truly good at. Here is a hint it’s not “I am a good Leader” What is the culture you will fit in best with? What are the tasks you will be doing that make this the perfect job? How do their values fit with yours?
Most of us focus on the tactical things when we start looking for a job. Spending some time on the strategic will make you a better candidate, enable you to identify better jobs and ultimately allow you to land The Perfect Job.
About the Author
With more than three decades of experience in all facets of sales, management, customer service, business growth, and staff coordination, Certified Career/Business Coach Greg Emslie is a focused professional with the tools to help you grow and manage your career in a manner that helps you to land THE PERFECT JOB.
Driven by his passion and ability to help you communicate more effectively, Greg will give you tools you need to formulate and deliver a clear, sharp, focused message that will allow you to land the “PERFECT JOB” and “PERFECT CAREER” Greg’s 3 step process will take you from confused and unsure to focused and confident in less than 10 days
Ready to begin finding the way to make you a better communicator so you can land The Perfect Job? Let’s get the conversation started. Contact Greg Emslie for a business strategy discussion today!