Increase Sales and Managerial Results with “Science of Pursuasion” by Robert Cialdini

Business Owners, Executives, Leaders of all organizations should listen to this and determine how to implement the six “short – cuts” outlined by Robert Cialdini in his You Tube video. Robert Cialdini outlines effective, simple ways to increase your ability to persuade others using science to increase Sales, Managerial ability, etc. After you listen to […]

Business is Business

How many times are Business Owners bombarded with messages from Internet providers, Phone Service Providers, Sales trainers, Marketing Providers, Legal Firms, CPA Firms, etc. that if you use their service your business will “increase or improve”, etc.? All I can say to Business Owners when they hear these messages is “Caveat Emptor”.  You see, all […]

Do your Prospects/Customers Speak a Different Language

Imagine walking into a room full of people and everyone in the room speaks a different language. There is a chance a few people in the room may speak the same language as you, but for the most part you will not be able to communicate effectively with most of the people on the room. […]


How many of you have heard the old saying “We are going to lose money on every sale, but we will make it up in volume”. Surprisingly this is the case more often than many of us would like to admit. It’s not that we purposely set our prices below our cost. Most often it’s […]

Closing The Sale. No Pressure!!

Over many years in the sales profession I have heard from many people about why they “could not be in sales” One of the main reasons I have heard over the years is “I cannot be high pressure”. Most often they look surprised when I tell them “neither can I”. The days of high pressure […]

Buying Signals. Listen With Your Eyes!

Would it surprise you to know that, during a typical sales presentation, 7% of the message coming back to you from your prospect is in the form of words? Would you be shocked to hear that 38% of the message your prospect is conveying to you is in the tone of their voice? This means […]

5 Deadly Sins When Closing a Sale

Many of you will laugh. What follows may seem so elementary and so simple one might wonder why would a salesperson ever do any of these. The fact is I have seen experienced sales professionals make these mistakes at some very critical times in a sales process, and in most cases, they did not even […]

So You Want To Close The Sale. Not So Fast

If you have been following along with my posts you know we are moving into the home stretch here. Its getting close to Closing the Sale. Now is not the time to rush into Closing. Now is the time to mentally take a step back, and evaluate where you are, and where your prospect is […]


5 Reasons Professional Service Providers Need A Business Advisor

If you have spent more than a day selling you have heard an objection to the product or service, you are offering. The great part about hearing objections is it means your prospect is actually listening to you. So, learning to differentiate between an objection and a condition and how to deal with both is […]

Sell More Lead More Build Trust

What is the benefit from building trust with someone. What can YOU gain getting people to trust you? Do you think you could sell more if your customers/prospects trusted you? Do you think your employees would be more engaged in your business if they trusted you? There is a lot you can gain by acquiring […]