Who is My Customer?

The Customer is King!! The Customer is always Right!! We hear those two phrases a lot these days when talking about customers and sales. So, who are these people who are put up on a throne and are never wrong. Your ability to identify and satisfy your key customers is crucial to your success and […]

3 Essential Daily Habits of Successful People

3 Essential Daily Habits of Successful People

Time management has become a buzz-phrase (so-to-speak) that seems to persistently float around boardrooms and lunchrooms.  For many, it’s become so common that they fail to realize the power behind the development of strong time management skills.  To help remind you and teach you some tips for getting more out of your day, I’ve compiled […]

6 Common Sales Mistakes Every Salesperson Should Avoid

6 Common Sales Mistakes Every Salesperson Should Avoid

You have worked hard to develop a high-quality and well-designed product or service, and now it’s time to reap the benefits, right? Unfortunately, the viability of your business relies heavily on your ability to sell. Developing the skills of your sales team becomes essential for your business’s continued success. Here are the six most common […]

4 Essential Tips for Avoiding Cash Flow Issues

4 Essential Tips for Avoiding Cash Flow Issues

Regardless of whether you’re a startup or established small or mid-sized business, cash flow is on the forefront of every CEO and CFO’s minds. The truth of the matter is that for many businesses, a delay in the payment of a major invoice can mean the difference between making payroll or not. While I may […]

Where Are You on the Sigmoid Curve?

PPG officially sold off its flat-glass business to Vitro S.A.B. de CV, including production sites around the U.S. and a research and development center in Harmar. It concludes a $750 million deal between PPG (NYSE: PPG) and the Mexican glass manufacturer that was announced in late July. It’s also an end of an era for PPG, which has […]

What Does My Competitor Look Like?

Many entrepreneurs, business owner’s, sales managers and sales people believe their customers govern the prices they charge, their level of sales, and their overall market share. Many others believe they are the masters of their domain and set those levels themselves. In most cases both are not true. Who then is responsible for the prices […]

Just Say Yes: How New Opportunities Can Lead To Professional Success

How New Opportunities Can Lead To Professional Success

As adults, it’s natural to fall into our trusted patterns and live within the safe boundaries of every day life. However, in a world where innovation is king, it has become increasingly important to expose yourself to new experiences. By learning new ways of doing things, you can help avoid becoming stagnant, bored, and outdated. […]

3 Steps for Understanding Value Selling

Contrary to popular belief, consumers don’t buy products or services. Consumers buy value. They will listen and learn about a product or service, but they won’t break out their wallets until they understand how the benefits fulfill their needs. That’s why value selling is so important. Value selling happens when you focus your efforts on […]

Understanding The 5 Emotions That Drive Your Customers

Understanding the 5 emotions that drive buying behaviors

We like to believe that we all make decisions based upon logic, but the truth of the matter is that we are more likely to be driven by emotion when it comes to making purchases. By understanding the emotions that motivate your customers, you are able to incorporate initiatives and programs to create an even […]

Where to Begin: Social Media Tactics for the Small Business Owner

Social Media Tactics for the Small Business Owner

When you’re running a small (and growing) business, you wear many different hats. From HR director to CEO, you simultaneously function in more roles than your corporate counterparts could ever imagine. As you shift from owner to marketing coordinator, you are faced with one of the biggest question marks of all: how do I market […]