2021 is finally here! As we wave 2020 a big goodbye, we welcome the New Year with open arms, ready for the chance to start fresh. The beginning of a new year is the ideal time to put new goals into action and start taking the necessary steps towards achieving them. However, New Year Resolutions are notoriously challenging to stick to. While it is easier to generate new goals, staying diligent towards achieving brand new goals is a much more difficult task. In fact, studies show that from the 50 percent of adults in the United States who set New Years Resolutions, less than 10 percent of these adults actually stick to their goals for over a couple of months. Why are goals so challenging to achieve? It’s all about getting in the habit of getting closer to your goals. Take a look at the following guide on how to set goals and achieve them this year:
Create Goals that Can Actually be Achieved
The first step towards achieving a goal starts with the creation of the goal. Goals should reflect the desired result that you wish to see, whether for yourself, your home, or even for your business. When crafting your goals, generate a list of desired results you are hoping to achieve during the course of this year. A list of business goals may include:
- Discovering a new source of income.
- Maximizing marketing strategies to attract new customers.
- Opening a second location.
- Implementing new processes to improve time management.
When deciding on which goal, or goals, you wish to strive to achieve this year, make sure that they are something that can actually be achieved in this time frame. Nothing will stop you from achieving a goal like one that is nearly impossible to do.
Generate the Habits to Get to the Goals
The secret to how to set goals and achieve them lies in your daily routine. Take your list of business goals, for example, and see what kind of habits that you will need to incorporate into the daily rituals that set you up for success. If one of your goals includes finding a new product or service to generate more revenue, allocate time each morning to do some research, even if it’s only 15 minutes every day. Set a schedule for your research time so you are constantly working towards achieving that goal. Make an effort to set milestones so you know your habits are assisting you with goal achievement. If you find that these habits you are setting are not helping you get to where you want to be, hiring expert business coaches will help you get back on track by walking you through the proper habits you should follow to get you closer.
Most importantly, you should be open to making mistakes, heading back to square one, and willing to try again even when things seem impossible. New Years Resolutions are ultimately a challenge but with the right mindset, your set goals can be achieved! No matter what your business goals may be this year, count on FocalPoint Business Coaching to help you make this year the best one ever. Contact us today to link up with our professional business coaches.