Hire to Experience? or Hire to……

triangle-of-success-1It is critical when bringing on new employees that you find the RIGHT person!.  Too many of us look at only one component of what is Right.  So what is the RIGHT?  Is it someone with XX years of Experience doing the same job?  Is it is someone with XX years of experience in a similar situation?

According to a study conducted by Carnegie Mellon which has become known as the Carnegie Triangle of Success, There are three key components to success.  The components are Attitudes, Skills and Experience.

This study showed that Attitudes and Skills equated 85% of Success while experience equated to only 15% of success.  Think about it….Hiring that new person into your company involves much more than a “been there done that” type of assessment.  You really want someone who is a culture fit, has skills to do more than what you are hiring them for.  Yes this does require Business Owners, Leaders, and Executives to change their thinking during the hiring process.

It is time to interview and assess the person Attitude and their Skills FIRST.  Once you know them and they fit into your organization now start on experience.  Too many recruiters, hiring mangers start out with “tell me about your experience with…..”?  “When was the last time you did….”?  When you hiring to experience first or even put greater weight on experience you are opening yourself to many other issues such as: Not a culture fit, The person does not follow our process, methods, etc.  This person is just not working out.  Sound Familiar?

Now hiring to Attitude and Skills first will require you and your organization to onboard new employees stronger, different and with more care.  You can not just say “here is the phone, here are your tools, you know what to do…do it.”

You want long term employee engagement?  You want long term success in hiring?  You want less employee problems?  Then consider the Carnegie Triangle of Success!

By Mark R. Steinke

Focal Point Business Coaching of Pennsylvania
