I Keep Getting Interviews, But No Call Back

Is this happening to you? Are you looking for a new job or career?  Are you sending out resumes, getting some initial phone conversations, and even face to face interviews, but no calls back? I hear this often. In many cases the job and the candidate are a very good fit. Many times, the skills, […]


“Your fired!” “This just isn’t working out!” “We are downsizing/restructuring!” These words bring chills to the spines of all employed people. What do I do now? If you are like most people you go through the various stages of grief. At some point though you must get back on the treadmill and find a job. […]

Know your Audience to Land THAT PERFECT JOB

In my last post, I gave you an overview of the four basic communication styles. In your quest to land THE PERFECT JOB, how does this information benefit you? I can tell you that, from my experience with clients, you can have all the qualifications in the world. But, if you cannot communicate to the […]

Communicate to Land The Perfect Job

As a career coach and business coach, I work with all types of individuals. Some are incredibly direct and assertive. Others are more coolly analytical. Some are quite friendly and relationship-oriented. Still others are laid back and mellow. Being able to assess a client’s, behavior style is critically important for me to be able to […]

Leaders are Performers

The Second level of Leadership is Performing.  After learning,it is imperative that the leader begins the actions, efforts and work of performing.  To gain the acceptance of those you lead, you really need to show your willingness, actions and deeds to DO the work while you Lead those doing the work. This is critical as results […]

Hire Stars using the STAR Technique

Let’s fact it.  Success in Business requires strong, focused, driven and successful Business Model / Methodology, Business Processes, People and Technology.  Superstar success is when all four are working together with the People driving your vision, your mission, your purpose utilizing the Model/Methodology, Process and Technology. It is there critical to have the right people […]