Are You Millennial-Ready?

Does your work environment meet the core needs of Millennials? Find out by taking this short quiz. For each question score 0 for “Never;” 4 for “Seldom;” 8 for “Often” and 10 for “Regularly.” Then total your score and check your rating at the bottom of the chart. Do you explain how your business improves […]

Retooling foMillennials: The Right Business Environment Can Motivate Younger Workers

Every business wants motivated employees. A productive workforce, though, doesn’t happen by accident: Employers must create an operating environment that inspires their people and gives them the tools needed to succeed. If the tools vary with the times, lately the times are all about Millennials. These employees, ranging in age from roughly 25 to 40, […]

What is involved in Starting a Business & How does a Franchise help with that

8 Benefits of Business Ownership

Running a successful small business is the dream for many people Setting your own hours, picking your ideal clients and enjoying the rewards of your efforts.  It really can be exciting and rewarding.  For many, it can be a daunting decision.  If you relate to this, you’re not alone. There are an infinite number of […]

Create your dream Job!

How To Find Your Dream Job

You’re at a crossroads You’re an experienced business professional. A leader. You have skills and insights that others can benefit from. You have the drive to succeed – on your own, without limitations of working for someone else. Now is the time to take your leadership skills to the next level, pursuing what many other […]

How to Become a Business Coach

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Business coaching is a fantastic career choice if you love working with people. And NOW is the best time to consider a change. Business coaching is a huge $11 Billion industry, growing at a blistering pace of 5.6% a year. Now YOU can join this booming industry. That’s because, with the right training and […]

8 Intangibles Benefits of Business Ownership

8 Benefits of Business Ownership

Are you ready for Business Ownership?  If so, let’s discuss the INTANGIBLES of Business Ownership. The unexpected benefits that most people really want and value but seldom prioritize or plan into their business ownership decision are: 1.  Income Based on Impact A big mind shift from Hourly wages or salary, 401K, etc. to the idea […]

Are you an Owner or an Employee?

Owners think differently than employees.  Owners are not better than employees however successful owners general do think differently than many employees and it’s important to be aware of the differences.  Below are three ways owners think differently than most employees. Which are you?   Personal Interest The first area is “Personal Interests’.  Employees  tend to […]

Asking for Help Can Be Beneficial for Both You and Your Business

  Business owners are typically ambitious, independent and optimistic people, but there is a common belief among young entrepreneurs that asking for help is a sign of weakness. This is simply not true. Asking for help isn’t a weakness, it can actually be a smart business move. Seeking advice from mentors, peers and business coaches […]

Work ON your Business vs. IN your Business – People

All Business need employees.  In our Business Model of MPPT (Model / Methodology, Process, PEOPLE and Technology) People are required to operate within the Business Model / Methodology while administering the Processes that run your business. Too many Business Owners hire highly skilled, over qualified people who are more expensive, causing the Owner to raise prices […]

Communicate Effectively. Land that job by Highlighting your Benefits

Understanding Your 3 Business Goals

Features, Advantages, Benefits. For many of us that have been involved in sales this describes what we do daily. We FAB the product. For those that are not in sales this may be a foreign concept. No matter what your profession when it comes to The Job Search, The Resume, The Interview, even the most […]