Work ON your Business vs. IN it

What does this mean to Work ON ones business vs. IN ones business?  How does one do this?    What about all the day to day work that needs to be accomplished?  The activities that need to be accomplished that “Pay the bills”.  Sound Familiar? It is critical  that a business owner drives his/her business by working […]

The Entrepreneurial Eyes

The Entrepreneurial perspective is one where the business is started with the Business in mind.  How does it look?, How it should act, How it does what it is intended to do.  What is the Business Model, Methodology, Process, People and Technology needed to make the business work?  You see most people who go into […]

The Manager’s Eyes

Every Business reaches the point where  it pushes beyond the Owner’s comfort zone – the boundary within which the owner feels secure in his / her ability to control the environment.  From our earlier blog, The Technician Eyes, the Technician Owner’s boundary is determined by how much he / she can do by themselves. The […]

The Technician Eyes

The Technician Eyes – This is the doer, the worker.  It lives in the present and only sees the work that needs to be done at the moment.  It is self-evident that businesses, like people, are suppose to grow; and with growth comes change. Unfortunately, most businesses are not run according to this growth principle.  […]

3 Eyes of The Business Owner

From the Book:  The E-Myth Revisited by Business guru Michael Gerber, Gerber states most Business owners experience The Entrepreneurial Seizure.  He goes on to define this as:  “Most people start out working for someone else doing technical work – be it a Mechanic, Doctor, Salesman, Hairdresser, what have you. Then for whatever reason these technicians […]

Who goes into Business for themselves?

In my opinion no one explains this better than Michael Gerber in his best selling book:  The E-Myth Revisited.  Here is what he states: “Let’s take a look at the person who goes into business.  Not after he goes into business, but before.  For that matter, where were you before you started your business?  And, […]

Business Failure and MPPT

Businesses start and fail in the Unites States as a very high rate.   According to the Department of Commerce, every year over 1,000,000 people in the United States of America start a business of some sort.   The Department of Commerce also states that by the end of the first year at least 40% of them […]

Is your Business the Tortoise or the Hare?

There are so many business principles in this video.   Focus, Persistence, Planned movement, Steady growth, Discipline to stay in your Plan, etc. Yes some Business have these at a quicker pace which is great, however the “Tortoise” business seems to always reach success! Enjoy

Personal Leadership: Think Strategically

In the last article on Personal Leadership Managing Stress we outlined how to use a few areas to reduce stress and help the leader show leadership by not allowing stress to impact it. In this article, we will address how to show leadership with thinking strategically. Clearly articulating your Business’s Vision is not an end in itself: it […]

Personal Leadership involves Managing Stress

To be a great leader, you must first master the art of Personal Leadership.  This is the first of four topics on how to increase, develop and demonstrate your Personal Leadership so you and your business skyrockets to the heights you deserve! It all Starts with YOU!  How you handle stress is critical to your personal […]