Top 7 Small Business Problems: How to overcome them
Business is a fickle thing: It can yield incredible rewards to those who grind it out daily and doesn’t bestow “luck” to those who don’t. However, regardless of your workload and experience, there’s one thing that all small business owners run into throughout their careers: Adversity. Once you get rid of one problem, another seems […]
What your free email address says about your business
I can’t tell you how many businesses I come across these days that still use free email services. A company might be (very professionally) named something like “Intergalactic Nuclear Consultants & Associates,” and their website might look great at, but their corporate email addresses are [email protected]. Intergalactic, really? Yeah right. More likely lost in […]
Top 2020 Business Trends: What to do Today So your Business Thrives not Dies
There are over 30 million small businesses in the United States alone, and this number keeps growing each year. This means the survivors will be those that keep up with trends, changes in technology, new laws, and customer needs and take advantage of new opportunities while avoiding the pitfalls. Even well-established businesses must adapt to […]
So Long Summer, Hello AI: How Artificial Intelligence Can Benefit Your Business
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last couple of years, you’ve most likely heard of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This new technology, which is rapidly developing before our eyes, offers notable development opportunities that many businesses have already been quick to capitalize on. AI is a set of multiple technologies that work collectively […]
What is your strategy to increase revenue?
Most Business’s want more Revenue! There is an argument that ALL Businesses want more Revenue. With this mindset, what is the Strategy of most Business owners to raise revenue? Is it spend more in Marketing? Do whatever it takes to create more prospects? Is it the typical try harder in sales? The simple answer […]
The Distinguishing Mark of Leadership
In Dr. Don Meyer’s Book “The Distinguishing Mark of Leadership” he presents 10 Questions leaders should ask repeatedly on their Leadership journey. Dr. Meyer states: “Our questions will distinguish us, set us apart, and define us as leaders.” One of the most important questions Leaders need to continue ask themselves is: “What is Expected of […]
Summer Of Sales: Tips for Success in Sales
Sales is one of, if not the most important, aspect of every small business. But like most important business aspects, finding success as a business salesperson has its challenges. Luckily, the business experts at FocalPoint experts have 5 tips that will help you achieve the highest sales success possible. Understanding the Sales Cycle The […]
What does it take to make Change Happen?
David Gleicher while he was working at Arthur D. Little in the early 1960s, and refined by Kathie Dannemiller in the 1980s. Together developed a formula that is the model to assess the relative strengths affecting the likely success of organisational change programs. It has been know as Gleicher’s Formula for Change: C = […]
4 New Year’s Resolutions to Help Your Small Business Be a Success in 2019
As a small business owner, setting new goals is an important part of running a successful business—and the new year is the perfect time to set resolutions that will help your business achieve success in 2019. Whether your business saw growth in 2018, experienced some losses or didn’t accomplish certain goals, now is the […]
Tips on How to Get Your Business Ready for the Holiday Season
The holiday season can be a busy, lucrative time for your business, but if it isn’t prepped, stocked and ready, it might not turn out as successful as you hoped. According to an October survey from the National Retail Federation, consumers will be spending an average of $1,007.24 this holiday season (that’s up 4.1% from […]