How to Raise Prices and Keep Your Customers Happy
Let’s face it, the cost of living is never going to stop increasing. Despite the epidemic’s depressing business activity, last year, we saw an inflation rate of 1.23 percent and we’re currently experiencing higher inflation rates. Moreover, in some locations, the cost of housing is soaring at double digit rates. So, what does this mean for your […]
5 S’s of Business Development
Business follow patterns of growth and development that can be used to predict and plan for the type of support these business’s need. Here is a guide to different stages of business development and the areas these owners need to address. Let’s start showing 5’S of Business development using three dimensions – Time, Team and […]
Facts & Figures on Business / Executive Coaching
If you own a business or if you are thinking about becoming a Business Coach, read the following on Does Coaching provide value? ROI? Let’s Read! Business & Executive Coaching: According to study and surveys by Monte Wyatt, Productivity (reported by 53% of executives) Quality (48%) Organizational strength (48%) Customer service (39%) Reducing customer […]
Employee vs. Business Owner – Which one is for you?
Being your own Boss is a great option for many people, especially experienced business people who have a clear picture of what they want and how they intend to achieve it. There has never been a better time to start, grow and enjoy your own business. Both being an employee and being a business owner […]
Entrepreneurial Growth Course – Proven Concepts & Principles for Sustained Growth
Would you like to grow your business? Improve Profits? Increase Sales? Do you have a Plan in Place? Are you struggling in today’s market? Could your Business perform better? Never in history have business OwnGers needed to know MORE and do MORE to be successful! The Knowledge and disciplines necessary to build a sustainable profitable […]
Business Skills for Franchise Owners
Owning your own business is an exciting, challenging, rewarding and scary situation. Buying a franchise vs. starting a business from scratch is an excellent option for the new Business Owner. A Franchisor who is selling you and teaching you their PROVEN and OPERATING MPPT (Business Model / Methodology, Processes, People and Technology) solution is exactly […]
Managing Emotions in Business, Sports and Life
Yes successful Leaders, Golfers, and those in Business, besides having the requisite skills, have one strong common ability, It is they have learned how to manage their Emotions. They difference between being Good / Great at what you do and being Excellent / Superb at what you do is how you manage your emotions. Thousands […]
Considerations for Business Owners NOW and Post-Lockdown
“Consumer behavior could be changed forever by the online world of contactless commerce.” according to McKinsey & Company Beyond Coronavirus: The path to the next normal This bring up a multitude of areas Business owners need to address. Thinking a Business Owner can just “open up” when allowed and everything will go back to “normal” […]
How to Conduct Business in the “New Normal”
Business Owners are facing a challenge never experienced before. A pandemic forced most business’s to close temporarily or severely limit what they do, how they do it and when they do it for three months. Now that Governor’s are “opening” up their State’s or Commonwealth’s Commerce with restrictions but at least opening up, is it […]
The Skills of a Business Owner
Becoming a Business Owner requires passion, motivation, business acumen and commitment to take control of your LIFE. Being an owner of a business is a large responsibility. Sales, production, staffing, administration, Customer support…and the list goes on. Successful Business Owners did NOT start out with all the requisite skills to run a business. What they […]