Managing Emotions in Business, Sports and Life

Yes successful Leaders, Golfers, and those in Business, besides having the requisite skills, have one strong common ability,  It is they have learned how to manage their Emotions. They difference between being Good / Great at what you do and being Excellent / Superb at what you do is how you manage your emotions.  Thousands […]

Considerations for Business Owners NOW and Post-Lockdown

Top 100 Classic Yogi Berra Quotes

“Consumer behavior could be changed forever by the online world of contactless commerce.” according to McKinsey & Company Beyond Coronavirus:  The path to the next normal This bring up a multitude of areas Business owners need to address.  Thinking a Business Owner can just “open up” when allowed and everything will go back to “normal” […]

How to Conduct Business in the “New Normal”

Business Owners are facing a challenge never experienced before. A pandemic forced most business’s to close temporarily or severely limit what they do, how they do it and when they do it for three months. Now that Governor’s are “opening” up their State’s or Commonwealth’s Commerce with restrictions but at least opening up, is it […]

How to Become a Business Coach

Business Coaching Chalkboard

Business coaching is a fantastic career choice if you love working with people. And NOW is the best time to consider a change. Business coaching is a huge $11 Billion industry, growing at a blistering pace of 5.6% a year.   Now YOU can join this booming industry. That’s because, with the right […]

Career Transition & Business Ownership

Are you in Career Transition?  Ready to learn more about How to Become a Business or Executive Coach and Start your own Business? Business Owners are in need today! According to Michael Gerber: “The Fatal Assumption (of business owners) is if you understand the technical work of a business, you understand a business that does […]

Career Transition Decisions – What’s next?

Even in a Non-COVID 19 market, career transition decisions need to be made.  Why?  Because actions such as: Layoffs, Reorganizations, Restructuring, Resigning, Being fired and Early Retirement or Full Retirement happens. The question that comes up when one of the above events occur is “into What”?  New Career  New Industry  New Job Semi – Retirement […]

What is involved in Starting a Business & How does a Franchise help with that

8 Benefits of Business Ownership

Running a successful small business is the dream for many people Setting your own hours, picking your ideal clients and enjoying the rewards of your efforts.  It really can be exciting and rewarding.  For many, it can be a daunting decision.  If you relate to this, you’re not alone. There are an infinite number of […]

Create your dream Job!

How To Find Your Dream Job

You’re at a crossroads You’re an experienced business professional. A leader. You have skills and insights that others can benefit from. You have the drive to succeed – on your own, without limitations of working for someone else. Now is the time to take your leadership skills to the next level, pursuing what many other […]

Exploring Entrepreneurship – Finding Opportunity, Building your future

You’re at a crossroads You’re an experienced business professional.  A leader.  You have skills and insights that others can benefit from.  You have the drive to succeed – on your own, without limitations of working for someone else. Now is the time to take your leadership skills to the next level, pursuing what many other […]

Can A Business Coach Help Your Franchise Thrive?

Steve Thompson

Steve Thompson, president and CEO of FocalPoint Business Coaching, explains the benefits franchisees can reap from hiring a business coach. Why should a franchise owner consider working with a business coach? When you purchase a franchise, you are also purchasing the built-in support from your franchisor in areas like sales, marketing and training. However, as […]