The Profit Curve – Personal Profitability

The profit curve of a firm is the total revenue (TR) curve less the total cost (TC) curve. these curves display the fluctuations of cost or revenue (Vertical Axis) at a given levels of output (increasing along Horizontal Axis). Along the section of the curve where Total Cost is below Total Revenue, the point at […]

Cash Flow and your P & L

How A Business Coach Can Help Grow Your Small Business

Increase Your Cash Flow and Avoid Business-Killing Problems – Understanding Your P&L and What It Reveals About Your Business   Nearly one in five businesses in the U.S. fail within its first year. Want to know the number one reason why? Cash flow problems. If not managed correctly, cash flow can be a literal business killer. Keeping […]

Simple Small Business Business Plan

Business Owner

The Small Business Guide to Developing a Strategic Business Plan – It is Simple if You Know What to Include   Did you know that 50 percent of businesses fail within the first five years of opening their doors? However, the chances of a business surviving long-term increases significantly if it has a strategic business plan in […]

The Math behind what a buyer pays for your business.

Ever wonder how a buyer of your business arrives at a purchase price?  Buyers acquiring a company will usually do some math to figure out what they are willing to pay for the rights to that business future profits. We have all made similar calculations.  For example, you may have decided in the past to […]

Passive Income Business Ownership Opportunity

Business Coaching is a fast-growing industry.  In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania there are over 1.2m small businesses with revenues up to $25M. These Business Owners are facing unique challenges that they typically have not had training or experience in.  You see according to Michael E. Gerber, the world’s #1 small business guru, Book “The E-Myth […]

What is my business worth today?

All Business Owners will exit their business!  That is an absolute!  A business owner will: Close their business  Deliver it to a family member or key employee  Sell their business to a third party Since choice 2 or 3 is preferred, would it not be powerful to know what the value of the business is […]

Where do you want to go with your Business?

“One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. ‘Which road do I take?’ she asked. ‘Where do you want to go?’ was his response. ‘I don’t know,’ Alice answered. ‘Then,’ said the cat, ‘it doesn’t matter.” ― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland Is your business on the […]

The Tri-lateral Leadership Ledger – Character, Task and Relationships

I am reading a tremendous book on leadership by Chris Brady and Orwin Woodward: “Launching a Leadership Revolution”.  Here is a brief summary of chapter 4: “The Trilateral Leadership Ledger”. This approach to leadership can be boiled down to the quote in the chapter by Authors Mark Beliles ad Stephen .McDowell: “You must rule yourself […]

My Decision to be a Business Owner vs. an Employee

Wow how time flies? I know according to the laws of the universe, time does not go faster the older I get, but it sure seems like it does…. Anyway 8 years ago this month I decided to leave a very safe, Global VP level role with over 200 employees to start a new business. […]


What do you think of when you hear or see BYOB? Bring Your Own Beer? Bring Your Own Booze? Bring Your own Beverage? According to Wikipedia: ” BYOB is stated on an invitation to indicate that the host will not be providing alcohol and that guests should bring their own. Some restaurants and business establishments (especially in […]