Tips to Best Execute the Hybrid Model in the Office

How to Execute the Hybrid Work Model

  COVID-19 certainly propelled many offices worldwide to adopt remote work, even if they weren’t prepared. If there’s anything the global pandemic has taught us, it’s that workplaces learned to pivot and successfully pilot working from home. The future of work is positively hybrid, as companies combine remote work with office time. Getting the hybrid […]

The 5 Best Ways Your Small Business Can Give Back

How Your Business Can Give Back to the Community

In the spirit of the upcoming holiday season, giving back to others is paramount. As a small business owner, you have a significant impact on your local community. While charitable work makes everyone feel good, it also has many other benefits, including strengthening your company’s brand and visibility and allowing you to hire and retain […]

Top Questions to Ask Your Business Coach

Top Questions to Ask Your Business Coach

  Sometimes, your path towards success on your professional journey can be bumpy or uncertain. If you’re having trouble discovering your way or moving forward in your career, hiring a business coach can help you get on the right track. A skilled business coach has the tools and expertise to get you where you want […]

Top Skills Every Entrepreneur Should Have

Skills Every

On your path toward entrepreneurial success, you will undoubtedly be met with many roadblocks. As someone who owns and operates their own company, you begin to take on a great deal of risk involving your finances, career, and overall business. Since there can be so much at stake, there are very specific proficiencies that every […]

How Artificial Intelligence Can Benefit Your Business

How Artificial Intelligence Can Benefit Your Business

  Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last couple of years, you’ve most likely heard of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This newer technology, which is rapidly evolving every day, offers development opportunities that many businesses have already leveraged to streamline their operations. AI is a set of multiple technologies that work collectively to […]

Are You Ready for Business Ownership?

Regardless of whether you are an executive of a Fortune 500 or fresh out of college, many professionals dream about the day they will be able to take control of their work and run their own ships, so to speak. If you find your thoughts wandering to the enticing idea of owning your own business […]

It All Comes Down to the Bottom Line!

In this article we will discuss employee engagement and what to do about it. With employee engagement it all comes down to the bottom line! The operating margin and profit for high-engagement companies is shown to exceed that of low-engagement companies. Here is how employee engagement affects the bottom line and provides a greater ROI. […]

G.O.S.P.A. = Results

In this  article we will open you up to the powerful tool, you the Business Owner have, to ensure your Employees are Assets and NOT Liabilities by implementing, ensuring organizational alignment and focus occurs. This article will have actionable, valuable information on how to ensure your employee(s) are engaged, and are performing so you can […]

You Billed Me….. WHAT?

As a consultant have you ever felt on a high wire regarding how to bill for your services with confidence? Consider the story of a Consultant brought into a billion-dollar atomic power plant to solve a technical problem that was reducing the efficiency of the entire operation.  The plant’s engineers had been unsuccessful in identifying […]

Comparison of Leaders vs. Managers

Simple Stated:  Which are you? Leaders Tend to: Stress relationships with others, values and commitment – the emotion and spiritual aspects of the organization. Create and articulate a vision of what the organization could achieve in the long run. Move the organization in new directions – being unsatisfied with maintaining the status quo. Empower people […]